I design, code, write
interactive, data, visual, journalistic stories.
I’m no designer, developer, or writer— but I like playing them all.
I recently led the Visuals desk at The Guardian — a cross-disciplinary experiment of graphics, interactive, multimedia and picture editors. Before that I worked at National Geographic, The New York Times, Newsweek and El Mundo. My most recent obsession are emotional connections in data-driven visual storytelling. I moonlight as a chef.
These are some stories I’ve worked on recently …

Google News Lab
How To Fix a Toilet

The Guardian
Rio Olympics

The Guardian
Unaffordable Country

The Guardian
How China's economic slowdown could weigh on the rest of the world

The Guardian
Brexit referendum: full results and analysis
... and these are some older projects I especially like. (Some may even ring a bell.)
National Geographic
Goldilocks Worlds

National Geographic
Nine Cities That Love Their Trees

National Geographic
A Game of Shark and Minnow

The New York Times
Connecting Music and Gesture

The New York Times

The New York Times
What Will Swing the Swing States?

The New York Times
Lolo Jones Cleared For Takeoff